These times have my anxiety kicking into high gear, my OCD flaring up, and has me all up in my feelings. That's why this is the perfect time to bring back my Five Friday Faves and lighten the mood and allowing me to focus on sharing some good things. It's so easy to focus only on the negative! So here are some things I've been loving recently and I would be so pleased to see you share something that has made you happy in recent times in the comments. I hope this finds you all safe and healthy.
I have many different self-care practices. Sometimes it's picking up a book for escape or yoga. Sometimes it's a multi-step skincare routine that I find relaxing. Sometimes it's grabbing my planner and pens or journaling. Baking, photography, organizing, etc. The thing is that COVID-19 has thrown me for a loop and I find myself focusing far more on self-care than I already was. And we all should be! These things that relax my mind and body are what is getting me through the days.
I've turned into a snack machine. Like I can't stop. It feels like I've stocked us up for a full-blown hibernation period, which I suppose in a way is pretty darn accurate. Hibernation mode has been activated. Has anyone else turned into a snack monster? Pictured are the Sahale Nuts in Maple Glazed and they taste like pecan pie. Delicious!
My husband has a job that allows him to work from home and I realize that we're among the lucky ones in that regard. He's not used to being home during the day so much, but we've been trying to keep a bit of a routine going. Aside from that, we've been focusing more on how to have fun at home. Pulling out our games, puzzles, catching up on our PVR which is way too full of shows we need to watch, more cuddles on the couch, you name it. Anything to release the tension from the day and what's going on in the outside world.
Our first wedding anniversary at home. We've always traveled for our anniversary and it took until our 14th for that to change. We couldn't, in good faith, go somewhere and we came to that decision very easily and quickly. We are adamant about doing our part and staying in as much as possible. A week or two before our anniversary had looked more promising, but things change drastically each day. So we spent our day indoors with my husband taking a vacation day. We ordered in Chinese from our favorite local spot and had a low-key day enjoying each other. Yeah, I'm bummed about not getting to enjoy our favorite tradition but I'm also grateful that we are both safe and have each other.
I've been seeing people attack others and being snarky for being in specific generations, for being upset about what they deem trivial things, and for anything really. I hate it and I don't use that word often. Every generation has people in it not taking things seriously or making stupid decisions. Every single one of them. It's not a millenial thing. And people are allowed to be sad or bummed about missing something, no matter how dumb or trivial you think it might be. Stop invalidating people's feelings. As long as they are doing the right thing by staying in and social distancing, let people feel what they need to. And unless they've given you proof or reason that they are not taking it seriously, save yourself the annoyance. This situation is new to everyone and we could all do with a little kindness and understanding.
I hope you are all well. To those of you that are essential workers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to those of you staying home, thank you for doing the right thing. We will get through this together. Thinking of all of you and wishing you good health!

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