Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Many holidays are upon us right now with Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. Oh, how I love the holiday season! It's always such a sad moment when decorations start coming down and I have to remember to say and write a new year (which I always fail to do until at least February, let's be honest). I just wanted to pop in today and wish you all a wonderful holiday break!

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For me, I'm starting my Christmas Eve at physio before running a few last-minute errands. I credit my PT for getting me up and walking again and keeping me going when I often didn't want to. It's not exactly where I want to spend my Christmas Eve morning, but I am just so grateful to have some movement back and walking. I can give up part of my holiday to work on me!

And honestly, I think I already got one of the best gifts I could ask for. My grandmother helped raise me and I lost her to COPD in 2007. I miss her often, but it's the most difficult during the first snowfall and Christmas. I would always call her when the snow would come while in college and when I moved here, so it always makes me think of her. There's no other thing that I want to call what happened this past weekend other than divine intervention.

My Granny Gent (what I have always called her) gifted me many things for our wedding and one of the items was a sandwich maker. Well, I got married almost eleven years ago and I just never seemed to bring out the sandwich maker. I could not bring myself to ever get rid of it, in hopes that I would use it but also because she gave it to me. For whatever reason, this past weekend, I saw it sitting there in my kitchen and thought I would finally give it a try.

I opened up the box and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. There, tucked by the side of the machine, was a wedding card from Granny Gent. I have tears in my eyes now just remembering the feeling of the many emotions that swept over me. That card had been sitting in that box for over ten years and I had absolutely no idea. All I could do was cry tears of joy because it felt like a message from my grandma. Sometimes you don't realize just how badly you need something until you get it. While I had her here, we fought hard and loved hard and I will never have another relationship even remotely like it.

It was just the best feeling, like stepping into a time capsule of things you have never seen before but are familiar with at the same time. Plus, I'm pretty certain she's looking down and laughing about how it took me long enough to find it. This might be just what I needed most!

Now that I have rambled your ears off, I hope you enjoy your time with your loved ones and doing things that bring you joy. If you don't celebrate, I still hope you have a lovely weekend and hopefully have some time to enjoy it! I do have two posts scheduled for next week, before I'm back on here at the beginning of January. If I seem to be MIA on here at all, I'm just enjoying the holiday break with my husband. You'll still be able to find me on my social media pages!

Happy Holidays!


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