Let's get this out of the way first! If you don't like this type of post, that is okay. I understand if you keep scrolling down your feed! I've been doing these posts for years now, which you can see on my "Christmas" label and I know they are not everyone's cup of tea. I personally enjoy seeing what people get as gifts for any occasion. And a lot of the time, my eyes are opened to books, films, and other things that I didn't even know existed. If the gift has a story behind it, even better! I adore hearing about sentimental items and memories.
Speaking of which, this Christmas was so incredibly special and I know that I will always look back at it with fondness. It was my first time home for the holidays since 2011 and that was my absolute best gift this holiday season. Hands down! Spending Christmas Day playing games with my brother? That is everything I needed! Hugging my uncle that is on hospice care and my 84 year old grandfather, seeing family members I had not seen in years, having my grandmother's Christmas cookies again, dinner with my closest and oldest friends...I could just keep going. And I might in another post, if any of you are interested in hearing about my South Carolina life. My heart is so full right now and I haven't come down from the high yet!
Because I went home, it was a bigger Christmas than usual. We were home in SC (and I have a big family) and then back up here for a belated celebration with my husband's side of the family. And I learned the hardships of trying to shop for a teenaged boy (my brother). I realized that I am officially so removed from the teenage years that I was having to Google teenager trends, though TikTok also helped just by watching videos. The next time I'm down will be Thanksgiving and his birthday is the same week, so I guess I better go ahead and start my research now! Haha!
- Wendy mug - This is my favorite gift this year. My brother picked out everything about it, down to my fave color. He even wanted to get an Eiffel Tower on it, but the place couldn't do it. I love it just the way it is and that he put so much thought into it!
- Spotify mug - A freebie, but it still counts. I had my doubts about the cork and washing it, but it has been holding up.
- Santa mug - From my aunt and uncle and full of candies. My husband got one too, but my candy still suspiciously disappeared.
- Stocking Goodies - This felt like a good category to add some of my stocking goodies. It was full of a few of my fave treats. Anyone else a grape bubblegum fanatic? Also, shaped holiday chocolates are the best. The ratio of filling to chocolate coating is spot on. Don't @ me on this if you disagree.
- Advent calendars - Technically, these were early gifts so that I could actually enjoy them during the month of December. My husband surprised me with two (!!) this year. The Funko Pops one was Yule Ball themed and the little figurines are adorable. They are now lined up among my HP bookcase. The Christmas Pop-Up one is not limited edition, so it's still available! It has a pop-up tree in the middle and you open the doors to get an ornament to decorate the tree each day. It also comes with a little booklet about Christmas at Hogwarts.
- Tidbits - That's the best way to put it! I got a Marauder's Map hat, magic wreath, talking Dobby, magazine, and Scrabble. I can't wait to play the Scrabble!
- Sweatshirt and gift certificate - Can we talk about how cute this sweatshirt is?! It's from Target! The gift card is from our local theatre production company and it gets me first access and can be applied to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child tickets when they go on sale. Something else to look forward to!
- Cookbook - Looking forward to trying recipes from this! I love that the recipes come with an excerpt and acknowledges where in the books they are mentioned.
- Anti-bacterial gel - My mom knows the obsession, so she hooked me up with a new one.
- Soap and candles - From my SIL and BIL, and I'm so excited to try the Peaceful soap and Gather candle. I haven't had those scents yet!
- Lotions - The Gingerbread and Champagne Toast ones came from my SIL. Oh my gosh, they smell amazing. The Pearberry and Cucumber Melon ones came from my best friend. She got me a gift bag full of gifts from all of our old haunts. These are two of the scents that I always got in high school and college! Pearberry is still my #1, just FYI.
- Wearables - Spotify hat freebie that is so cute and warm, sarcasm shirt (Torrid) from my SIL because she knows what's up, and cozy socks from my best friend representing my love of Old Navy and my two favorite animals.
- Taylor Swift mania - A phone case for an iPhone 11 Pro Max (which I haven't ordered yet), the vinyl album, the four versions of Lover, People mag, and my close friend Daniel got me her autograph. HER AUTOGRAPH. I don't know how he managed to do that before they sold out, but holy cow. I left my jaw back at Panera where we met to exchange our gifts! He also gave me a picture of us from my birthday party (I love getting pictures...because mine pretty much live on my phone) and a few delicious edible items.
- Faves galore - I already knew about Hamilton because I ordered the tickets, but I'm so pumped for our show in May. It's our first Broadway show since Blithe Spirit starring the incomparable Angela Lansbury. My husband picked out these other three. A Disney calendar, an Audrey mag, and Mitch Albom's latest book. I'll read anything Mitch writes and my husband knew I'd love this one because I especially love the stories that come from Mitch's life like Tuesdays with Morrie.
- Planner obsession - With 2019 ending, it was new planner time. The small one is for my blog and social media and the bigger one is my everyday one. Also got a new sticker book.
Aside from those things above, we got many useful gifts like money and gift cards for restaurants down south to use during our trip that were super handy and helpful. My MIL gave us a crocheted Afghan blanket from our Warm & Fuzzy Knits business in my college's colors. My aunt got us a pine tree that I have named Chris Pine, because I'm soooo original (and married to a Star Trek fan). Bets are being taken on how long it will take me to kill Chris, because I have no green thumb to be found! I underwater and my husband overwaters. I have no idea what that is going to do to poor Chris. So far, he is alive and still green.
We also received a few gift cards to use here in Canada and some nice treats for our dog Indy. How special the people in our lives are and blessed are we to have them! Our holiday season isn't even over yet, because we still have a friends dinner coming up that we had to reschedule due to being sick. Does that mean I can get away with still listening to Christmas music? Probably not, but I might still. ;)
I'd love to hear about your holiday! Do we share any of the same interests? I know my post is late this year, but I got sick shortly into the new year and I'm still trying to get my sinuses to stop hating me. Doing my best to work with the limited winter lighting for photographs and my diminished energy levels until my sinuses cooperate! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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