Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Designer Fragrance

Currently thinking: about my grandma
Currently procrastinating: doing Christmas cards
Currently feeling: ok

On my Christmas list, I've asked for two perfume things (I will post some of my list on here in a later post!). That got me to thinking about what my first designer perfume was. Not the "fake designer" smells that you can find in certain stores, but the real deal.

I think it was around age 11 or 12 that my grandmother bought me a bottle of Acqua Di Gio for Women by Giorgio Armani. I wore it every single day and loved it. I kept the bottle for years not wanting to get rid of it, not wanting to use the last drop. It wasn't until the likes of Clinique Happy and Tommy Girl came along later on that swayed me away. I gave in to the trends of Happy and Tommy Girl and forgot about my little bottle of Acqua Di Gio.

It still holds special memories since my grandmother bought it for me. She bought me a lot of the finer things in life and it took me losing her to realize just how much she truly did for me. I would not be where I am or who I am today had I not had her in my life. So my first designer perfume has a soft spot in my heart!

It's true when they say that scents can trigger memories. For an example besides the story above, when I smell Bath and Body Work's Country Apple I think of my high school years. I used that scent almost everyday!

Do you remember what your first designer perfume was? Does the scent hold a special memory? Did someone special give it to you? Tell me about a scent that you hold dear in your heart!


Anonymous said...

I LOVED the perfume Ciara when I was in my early 20's. My grandmother bought me my first gift set which included the dusting powder as well as the cologne. I think of her often when I see this or smell someone else wearing it. It is extremely long lasting and I can remember putting it on and still smelling it on my clothes the next day!

Anonymous said...

acqua di gio smells so nice on men

Wendy Banner said...

Yes! I love the ones for men and women. I should buy one for my husband and a women's one for myself. We'd smell lovely. :)

I've never heard of Ciara, but that's such a great story. <3

Anonymous said...

Acqua di gio is one of my favorite perfumes

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