Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

I like to share my resolutions with all of you each year. Because I don't really regard them as resolutions and consider them to be goals, I make them reachable. Better yet, I keep them basic. Basic enough that they can just about always be on my list each year. Partly because I often achieve them and feel good about it when I do!

Here are my main goals! Here's to 2016 being good to all of us! That fear I faced in 2015? Being in my first marathon. That didn't work out so great, since I ended up with a Tibial Plateau Fracture. That in turn, made me face several other fears- broken bones, the hospital, loss of movement, and surgery. So honestly, I think I might be okay if I don't find a fear to face this year. Whew!

bbloggers, bbloggersca, beauty blogger, lbloggers, canada, resolutions, goals, 2016, blogging
What are some of the things you are hoping to achieve this year?


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